employees volunteering at food pantry
Jericho Partnership | Danbury


Connected to Our Community

In 2009, to further highlight our commitment to community service, we founded the NSBcare Program. Since that time, we have performed thousands of volunteer hours to benefit local nonprofits and area municipalities.

2024 Year In Review

People icon 
Employee Volunteers
Organizations Served

Employees holding blankets
Adam's House | Shelton, CT

Our Corporate Culture

One of our fundamental beliefs is that being in a community isn’t enough, it’s actually being part of a community that really counts. As local business leaders, our employees understand the importance of social responsibility and community service. We know that giving our time, talent, and expertise helps create stronger communities for all our neighbors. We’re more than an outstanding bank*, we’re a trusted neighbor.
Employees holding banner with Habitat Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity | Bridgeport, CT

Professional Development,
Personal Growth

Our employees are encouraged to volunteer with organizations that are meaningful to them. We want them to thrive in their volunteerism and provide them with the flexibility, resources, and training to be assets to local organizations. While our employees begin their service as general volunteers, many of them step into leadership roles at the board and committee level. We are proud of their leadership, dedication, and continued growth.
Employees at check-in table
Masuk High School | Monroe, CT

Request for Volunteers

We’re here to serve our community. If you’re involved with a charitable organization or municipality and need volunteer support, please let us know. You can email us at community@nsbonline.com to let us know when and where we may be of assistance.

*As part of our FDIC examination, we received a Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rating of “Outstanding.” This rating is the highest a bank can receive and is defined as a bank having “an outstanding record of helping to meet the credit needs of its assessment area, including low-to-moderate income neighborhoods, in a manner consistent with its resources and capabilities.” The rating is difficult to achieve with only 20% of banks earning this distinction.