With our Great Prize Savings Account, each time you make a qualifying deposit, you aren’t just increasing your savings, but are increasing your chance to win. Every quarter, we’ll randomly choose one winner to surprise, adding $1,500 into their account.
Meet Our Recent Winners!

Q4 2024 Winner
Sebastian plans to use the money towards graduate school!
Sebastian | Oxford, CT

Q3 2024 Winner
Keven was overjoyed to receive this surprise during the holiday season!
Keven | Danbury, CT

Q2 2024 Winner
Paul's winnings came just in time for some summer fun!
Paul | Brookfield, CT
*Earn an entry in our drawing by depositing at least $25.00 in your Great Prize Savings Account. Each eligible deposit qualifies as one entry up to a total of 24 deposits per quarter. The winner will have $1,500.00 deposited in his/her Great Prize Savings Account. Consumer accounts only, must be 18 years of age and a CT resident. Limit one account per Social Security Number. Minimum balance to earn interest is $10.00. Minimum deposit to open is $25.00. Fees may reduce earnings. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Major restrictions and eligibility requirements apply – see Official Rules available at any Bank branch. Void where prohibited. The Great Prize Savings account is conducted under United States and Connecticut law as a savings promotion raffle. See Official Rules.