Man on his phone

Personal Financial Management

Your complete financial overview, all in one place.

Our Personal Financial Management (PFM) tool is a convenient solution for tracking, managing and optimizing your finances right within Online Banking and our App. Access all your accounts (including external accounts), balances, and transactions in one central location. 

Person on iPad viewing Cash Flow from app

Take control of your finances

  • Manage your finances across multiple accounts from a variety of financial institutions
  • Add assets like life insurance & 401k retirement plans
  • Add debts like loans, mortgages & credit card accounts
  • View your net worth, cash flow & spending
iPhone with budget screen

Customize your budget

  • View your spending
  • Set budgets for various spending categories such as travel, education, shopping and more
laptop with trend insights

Track Expenses

  • Track trends by spending categories and understand where your money goes

Get started today!

You must be enrolled in Online Banking in order to use PFM

  1. Login to Online Banking or our App
  2. From the Home screen, click 'Get Started' next to Financial Tools
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to review and agree to terms & conditions and link your first accounts
  4. Add any accounts you want to link from other banks, credit unions or financial services providers
  5. Once linked, you may customize which accounts you wish to see in PFM.  You can add additional accounts by going to the Home screen and clicking 'Get Started' under Link Account
After your accounts have been linked, you will see balances and transactions which will automatically be grouped by category.  You may review or change categories as needed.